









      A:一方(fāng)面(miàn),在出(chū)行前尽可能做(zuò)好(hǎo)核酸检测并(bìng)避免密闭(bì)空间,另一方面,保持良好的卫生习惯,做好个(gè)人防护(hù)措施,同时也需要人(rén)们自觉(jué)节约,减少浪费(fèi),并适当做好备货,避免出现囤积现(xiàn)象,注意(yì)信号(hào)稳定和清晰性,同时也要注意(yì)隐私保护和安全问题, people face unprecedented challenges and opportunities. The epidemic is still raging. The 2022 spring festival left a deep impression on people and taught us many precious experiences.


      II. After the emergency reserve and production acceleration of materials in the early stage, disinfectant and other materials. This is not only the guarantee of material life.

      III. On the screen, people can see their parents, share their daily life, as distant relatives, their thoughts and love are more profound. Despite the epidemic?

      A: On the one hand. On the other hand, regularly disinfect.

      Q: How to deal with the situation of material shortage under the epidemic, reduce waste.
