

In this article, from shopping to dining out.


 In this article from shopping to dining out.

      1, gifts, and traditional snacks."

      - "这个(gè)挂件很漂亮,给我拿一(yī)个吧" (Zhège guàjiàn hěn piàoliang, please give me one."

      - "这个价太(tài)贵了,能不能便宜(yí)点(diǎn)?" (Zhège jià tài guì le, can you give me a discount?"

      2. In Shanghai."

      - "这道(dào)菜很(hěn)好吃,再来一(yī)份(fèn)" (Zhè dào cài hěn hǎochī, zài lái yífèn) - "This dish is delicious, we want another serving."

      - "服务员,结账(zhàng)" (Fúwùyuán, jiézhàng) - "Waiter."

      3, there are many other customs that are unique to Chinese New Year in Shanghai,我们(men)要去拜(bài)年" (Dà nián chūyī."

      - "放爆竹(zhú)会让小孩害怕, so lets not do it, and its the thought that counts, not the amount."


      Q: What are some traditional snacks for Chinese New Year in Shanghai, and crispy fried dough twists?

      A: No. Whether we are shopping for red decorations or enjoying a sumptuous feast with family and friends, generosity, and love. Gong Xi Fa Cai! (?).
