

The reason, which meant more passengers.


 The reason which meant more passengers.

      At first, and the thought of missing out on those precious moments was devastating, we knew that the citys residents depended on us to get them to their destinations safely.

      The first few days of the Spring Festival were exhausting, to say the least. We worked around the clock, and dealing with all kinds of challenges along the way. Some passengers were impatient and rude, while others were simply lost and needed directions. We encountered traffic jams.

      Despite all of this.

      One particular memory still stands out vividly in my mind to this day. It was late one night. I was tired. She was frail and looked like she had gone through a lot. I asked her if she was okay, and she confided in me that she had just lost her son and was on her way to the funeral home. So, I offered to sit and talk with her for a while, her life, and her sorrows. We are not only drivers, counselors, it was moments like these that made it all worthwhile.


      1. Why was the 2002 Shanghai Spring Festival overtime particularly challenging, which meant more passengers, and less time with families.


      Answer: There were impatient and rude passengers, and the need to work around the clock without much rest.

      3. What kept the drivers going despite the challenges.
